My Record

During my first term in office, the Democrats have had complete control of Michigan: Governor, House majority and Senate majority. Their policy agenda since the beginning of 2023 has been radical to say the least. They have been busy fulfilling their long-awaited Leftist wishlist. As a member of the Michigan House Freedom Caucus, I have taken bold action against the destruction that is happening to our state, and will continue to fight it.

My very first NO vote was against seating a Democrat as speaker of the house. Those of us who voted NO were punished by the Democrat speaker with having little to no committee assignments. Both House Sessions and Committee meetings have been a total loss for Republicans and the conservative agenda over the last 2 years. Republicans hardly ever get their language in any bills, are cut off from speaking on the house floor and in committee meetings and are punished for expressing their opinions.

Understand this: Those “Republicans” who choose to work with Democrats receive scraps in exchange for morally compromising support of their bills in order to label the bill as “bipartisan”. Any handouts always come with strings-attached. I will not sell-out the people who elected me to be their Representative in the legislature.

Despite the grim situation in Lansing, my office has navigated the murky waters of The Swamp to ensure that the people of 107th District are being properly served and communicated to. I have worked hard to build relationships and earn respect from Lansing, even when we may not always agree. We have held office hours all over the district, and welcomed local leaders and organizations into my Lansing office every day. It is a challenging job, but my faith and your support keep me going. My favorite part of the job is visiting schools and welcoming class field trips to the Capitol, creating positive memories for all.