
Constitutional Conservative

I am proud to have a 100% conservative voting record to date, and will continue my promise to stand up for We The People and our founding principles.

As the longest-standing Constitution in history, our Constitution has stood the test of time and must continue to be observed. I fully support the Constitution of both The United States of America and Michigan. One of the greatest callings of the federal and state governments is that of preserving and defending its citizens’ rights and liberties. Our Constitution was perfectly written to outline our God-given rights and to limit and constrain the powers of government.

The first three words of our great Constitution, “We The People,” precisely pinpoints the very basis of why government in the United States exists—to serve its citizens. “The People” are the true leaders; the government subsists only to ensure that “The People” and their directives are accomplished.

Local Control

Our local communities know what is best for themselves, but the Democrats in Lansing are determined to take away local control. I have voted against and advocated against legislations that would silence citizens and local municipalities and give the power to unelected bureaucrats in Lansing.

Border Crisis

The mass wave of illegal immigration at our borders is threatening the security of our nation. Not only have a traveled to the border to see the crisis first-hand, but I have called on Governor Whitmer to deploy the Michigan National Guard to the southern border to help protect our country.

Government Overreach

The government should have NO place in every aspect of our lives, including marriage, parenting and business. I stand against creating more unnecessary, stupid laws and regulations, and that is a large reason why I vote “NO”.


I believe life begins at conception. Human life is sacred. God has knit each and every person together in the womb.
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Our Veterans’ help and health systems are deplorable and in a severe state of disrepair. Veterans deserve the best of the best for medical care, housing, mental health support, and employment opportunities.
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Overlooked and ostracized, our senior citizens often are left to fend for themselves. We do ourselves a great disservice when we fail to compassionately care for them.
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Election Integrity

Government is duty-bound to ensure safe, fair, and forthright elections for all U.S. citizens. The 2020 elections, in particular, led to great mistrust in the government and our election system.
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The amount of taxes inundating citizens is outrageous—it has become pure theft. Taxes are bludgeoning our economy and our people beyond repair.
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Second Amendment

“The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” is a right I unequivocally support.
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Freedom of Speech

Today, we are witnessing the complete erosion of our God-given rights. The outright censorship
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Critical Race Theory

Contrary to popular thought, Critical Race Theory is exclusive, not inclusive. It categorizes and labels humanity. It is insular and degrading.
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Government overreach plagues our businesses, our livelihoods, and our health systems. It has used the pandemic to strip away our individual freedoms and medical rights.
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Standing Up For Northern Michigan

Standing Up For Northern Michigan

We need your support, to get back to constitutional values.